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Found 30821 results for any of the keywords pct maps. Time 0.010 seconds.
PCT Maps | Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile s PCT maps have been replaced by a new series of Pacific Crest Trail maps from National Geographic. These handy new map booklets are the result of a collaboration between Halfmile and National Geographic. They c
Maps | Halfmile s PCT MapsPosts about Maps written by Lon Cooper
Welcome to Halfmile s Pacific Crest Trail Maps | Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile s Trail Notes notes have been updated for the 2023 hiking season! Halfmile s Trail Notes include mileages, elevations, National Geographic page numbers, resupply and other essential information for more than 300
National Geographic Pacific Crest Trail Maps Are Now Available | HalfmFor almost two years I have been working with the cartographers at National Geographic on a series of new Pacific Crest Trail maps and they are now ready, just in time for the 2020 hiking season. The new National Geograp
Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile s Trail Notes include mileages, elevations, National Geographic page numbers, resupply and other essential information for more than 3000 PCT landmarks. Download them free here.
GPS Downloads | Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile s Pacific Crest Trail GPS data is no longer being updated. For the most current PCT GPS data see the Pacific Crest Trail Association Data Download Page. Halfmile s Trail Notes continue to be updated and can be d
Trail Notes | Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile s Pacific Crest Trail Notes have been updated for the 2023 hiking season. Includes trail mileage (northbound and southbound mileage that closely match the Guthook app), resupply and other essential information,
iPhone App | Halfmile s PCT MapsHalfmile PCT iPhone App Usage Notes: Halfmile’s PCT app is a companion app to Halfmile s Pacific Crest Trail printed map set to aid navigation on the PCT. The app uses the iPhone’s GPS to determine your location and calc
What s New on | Halfmile s PCT Maps04/28/23 -- Added link to the Pacific Crest Trail Association Data Download Page. 04/08/23 -- Halfmile s Trail Notes and XLSX exports have been updated with the following information: Mile .6 -- Added CLEEF. Mile 77.3 -
panafootpan-a-foot (păn' ũh fʊt) v. covering great distances to see more of the world under one s own power
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